
Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire (JSL) […]

Crée en 1826, Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire (JSL) est un quotidien français régional diffusé en Saône-et-Loire.

Le Journal de Saône-et-Loire est, avec le Figaro, l’un des deux plus anciens journaux quotidiens de France encore diffusés.

Une exposition photo au château de Cormatin

The Eye of Photography / L’oeil de la photographie […]

Created in 2010, The Eye of Photography is the first online newspaper about photography in its widest range. Daily published in English and French, with seven different articles per day and a dozen of pictures per article, it gives readers an overview of photography all over the world.

Photography Exhibition – Re-Emerging Venezia

Photography Exhibition – Vessel, Sophie Fauchier


Exibart has made and continues to make history in web information in the art sector. It was founded in 2000 and immediately became the essential point of reference for enthusiasts and professionals.

Re-Emerging, a Venezia un progetto per raccontare l’esperienza e la memoria del lockdown

Alliance Française de Venise […]

L’Alliance Française de Venise, association culturelle, a été créée sous sa forme actuelle en 1987.

Elle se consacre depuis plus de 30 ans à promouvoir la langue et la culture françaises dans la province de Venise et est devenue une référence dans ce domaine.

Gli eventi dei nostri partners : Re-Emerging Venezia – Mostra fotografica

Artribune […]

Artribune è la più ampia e diffusa redazione culturale del Paese (conta 250 collaboratori in tutto il mondo) e il più seguito strumento d’informazione, aggiornamento e approfondimento in Italia sui temi dell’arte, della cultura e su tutto ciò che vi ruota attorno.

Do you remember the months of lockdown? A project between art, science and community is working on it in Venice

Finestre sull’Arte […]

Finestre sull’Arte is a journal focusing on ancient and contemporary art. The journal, born in 2017, originates from the popularization project of the same name, which in 2015 received the Silvia Dell’Orso Prize as the best Italian project of art-historical popularization.

Re-Emerging: three female artists and two female scientists explore lockdown in Venice in an immersive exhibition